Keep Cosy Without Wearing Wool

Keep Cosy Without Wearing Wool

Our Nora Styles are our warmest  pieces without wearing wool. 

Made from a textured rib knit, the fabric is a medium to heavy weight Japanese Cotton available in Navy, Ecru and Brick.


We have three easy shapes in this story -

The Nora Top looks great as a set with the matching skirt or team it with your own jeans or bottoms. It's a good allrounder that can cross from work to play.

The Nora Skirt , a long and slightly Aline silhouette, also works well with an oversized jumper or sweater (watch this space!)

The Nora Dress is easy on its own or accessorise with a belt and a long coat.

Anna wears the Nora Top in Navy with Calder Jean in Chalk

The now classic boat neckline was worn as a uniform by the French Navy in the 1850's as an easy piece to remove if they fell overboard! The style was then adopted by the Russians and other Navies followed.

Coco Chanel made it chic in the 1920's with her High/Low approach and styled the shape under her suits. The neckline was revived again in the 1950's and 60's by artists and Beatniks and then made its way in to the mainstream and today as a classic and flattering neckline. 

Anna wears the Nora Dress in Navy


We make each piece in our Ethical Clothing Australia certified factory located in Melbourne. Each garment is sewn by one of our incredible machinists that have over 20 years industry experience. 


Tell Us Your WFH Secrets ;)

We've reached out to women in the Arnsdorf community to reveal their personal tips on how to work from home in style and comfort while staying healthy, sane and engaged.

What is your name and and what do you do?                                                                            Olivia Radonich, Founder and Director of ReadingRoom, Melbourne                          #areadingroom

What is your connection to Arnsdorf?                                                                                    I’m a long time customer and fan of Arnsdorf <3

What are you doing to stay active?                    

As our gallery is closed, and exhibition program is currently paused, I am using and thinking of this time as a hibernation.  Though the concept of hibernation suggests inactivity, for me, this word in this time we are all in together, represents slowing down, taking time. I am thinking of hibernation in the the way that a garden slows down in some ways during autumn and winter…lots can still happen during these times, that is not visible.                                            Hibernation, as a way of time of taking time. Taking time to pause, to reflect, to re-evaluate and to be with my family, and feel grateful for all we have. 

Our home has become a calm, and mostly peaceful bubble. I feel lucky to share this time with my family, and we have lots of works surrounding us made by friends and artists we love to inspire us.  

My days start very early, usually around 6:30am, when we wake and raise our blinds.  My husband Edward and I have our morning coffee together as we watch the sunrise, this is a small but meaningful ritual that starts our day.

We then usually take a long walk, at the moment watching autumn changing the gardens around our neighbourhood. Nature is such a great reminder that life is always changing, and that these COVID-19 days of isolation, and anxiety will pass. We are all finding our own ways and rhythms of coping and adjusting, and our daily walks are very important to me, perhaps a way to look and celebrate the tiny, everyday moments, that possibly we are usually too busy to find joy in and celebrate. We can walk up to three times a day, a ritual seems to have developed that we walk after each meal, and it’s a really calming way to stay grounded and connected to the flow of the day, week and season...

When we are back home from our morning walk, we make breakfast for our family and use this time to check in with our children, and help them make a plan to stay motivated for each day/ week.  Our daughter is in her final year of high school and her VCE studies have moved online. Our son has discovered online yoga, which he loves!

Each day right now looks different, and I have multiple projects that I am working on. Edward and I are sharing our kitchen table as our work space / home office.



The one constant I do each day, is take time to check in, and have conversations with the artists I work with, and also our collaborators.

Some days, there are multiple conversations, and other days, just one or two. Taking care of each other, checking in and sharing inspiration in this time is important, so though our exhibition program is paused, we are all there for each other, even if we only have the energy to check in by dm or text message.  

At this stage, we are unsure when we can re-open the gallery and resume our program of exhibitions. Our Viewing Rooms series is one way we have decided to respond in this time, and offer insight into the gallery's community of artists, collaborators and friends, sharing stories and influences that inform and shape their practices, and in turn the gallery program. The rooms will host studio visits, online exhibitions, special projects, interviews, essays and texts reflecting on previous exhibitions.

We hope that during an uncertain and difficult time, when people need inspiration, connection, and perspective, more than ever...that these rooms can provide a way to stay in touch, and engage with the work of artists that we love, and admire. 

I am less focused on productivity than I usually am - and more focused on being in the moment, making the most of that and being there for the people that I love.

Are you reading a great book or do you have a favourite podcast?                              

I’m reading, and re-reading so many great books, Indelicacy by Amina Cain is incredible, and I love it.  I’m revisiting several books that have been formative and important to me: Italo Calvino’s essays in the book Six Memos for the Next Millennium is one of these; Italo's essay on Lightness is incredible and meaningful to think on in this moment. Also, Life: A User’s Manual by Georges Perec.

I’m making my way through issues of Apartmento magazine, re-reading from the first issue, this is very enjoyable, as usually I rarely find time to finish an issue cover to cover! 

We currently have a project developing online, What’s outside the window? that can be seen via our ReadingRoom instagram. It references Roberto Bolano’s novel, The Savage Detectives, a book that is very special to me, and a huge formative influence; it’s one I return to especially in times of upheaval and uncertainty. This question is asked three times, almost as a riddle, at the end of the epic story.

This project, in some ways has been on my mind since 2016, when I first walked into the space that is now ReadingRoom. The windows are such a significant part of the architecture, and the space and time of the three rooms of the gallery…

So this question, has a resonance and a poetry for me beyond the time we are in…it felt like a good time to gently ask this question. Listen, learn, and pass on the responses; using this question, almost as a meditation, to connect during this time.

It was a small way to create and offer space and time for artists, friends, and colleagues near and far that I admire and love, to contemplate this question.

I particularly love listening to authors read their own words.  Something really special that I have listened to, and loved during the past month, is Dan Fox, reading his book LIMBO.  Dan's essay explores the role that fallow periods and states of inbetween play in art and life.  LIMBO was published by Fitzcarraldo Editions, and the reading was produced from Dan’s home in New York and  is available to listen to via Soundcloud here.  It is very beautiful.




What about food. Are you cooking or are you addicted to a particular snack at the moment?                                                                                                                            

My family and I are really enjoying having the time to spend with each other cooking and sharing meals. We are making everything from scratch, and using all we have.  We have become much more aware of how much food we have wasted in the past, and we are more mindful of this now. This awareness has been really important for us as a family, and it’s something that we will take with us beyond this time. To continue slowly, and sustainably in the way we live and work.

We are eating incredibly well...soups, pastas, and salads and my children Milo and Sofia are baking lots!

We are always inspired by Julia OstroJessica KoslowCarla Lalli MusicJulia ShermanDavid Chang and Laila Gohar and their instagrams are daily sources of inspiration right now.

I am addicted to green salads, usually I have a green salad to accompany every meal, even breakfast, and also I love making hummus!  The method Laila Gohar recently recommended via her instagram…taking time to peel the chickpeas, after soaking and cooking (which I never usually take time to do) is really enjoyable and delicious!!


Are you motivated to 'dress' for the day or are you repeating outfits? What are your go-to pieces?                                                                                                                                     Clothing is always an important part of my day; and dressing is a ritual I really enjoy! I’ve noticed in this time I am dressing more casually, but still making an effort!                                              I’m wearing my favourite pieces over and over again, and texture and colour are very important to me right now.                                                                                                                                I always love seeing what Alice OehrJulia Pound Thea BasiliouYasmin SewellJade Sarita ArnottHarriet Were and Lauren Trend are both wearing, and sharing via their instagrams...



Have you been pleasantly surprised by engaging in something you normally wouldn’t?

 Finding joy in the everyday is definitely something I am grateful for, and celebrating.  

I am enjoying being able to take the time to read, re-read and watch films in a way that I usually do not have time for.

I am inspired and learning so much from the recommendations and generosity of so many people I love and admire.  It’s great to be able to make great discoveries and connections in this time...

Mary MacDougall and her brother Tom, recently recommended thirty beautiful films for a ReadingRoom Viewing Room, 30 Silver Threads, that have shaped their perception of the world.

Jason Evans, via his incredible website This Long Century is screening a series of film and video works by past contributors during the month of April.  

It’s an incredible program, and includes films from  Lucile Hadžihalilović, Shambhavi Kaul, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Haris Epaminonda, Anna Marziano, Salomé Lamas, Caroline Monnet, Camilo Restrepo, Carlos Reygadas, Amiel Courtin-Wilson, William E. Jones, Jennifer West, Oliver Payne, Nick Relph, Beatrice Gibson, Sky Hopinka, Deborah Stratman, Laida Lertxundi, Antoinette Zwirchmayr, Margaret Salmon, John Smith, Jodie Mack, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Peter Tscherkassky, Aïda Ruilova, Ben Rivers, Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs, Helena Wittmann, Sue de Beer, David Lowery.  

All artists have donated their works, and in return Jason is bringing attention to a group of US based Non-Profits and Relief Funds to help people in need right now:                                 RAICES
Ali Forney Center
Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund
The National Domestic Workers Alliance
Feeding America


What songs are you feeling right now?                                                                                         I started a playlist at the beginning of this time of physical isolation, and I am adding to it regularly - it is reflective of my changing moods in this time Listen via Spotify here


Stay well from all of us here at Arnsdorf X

May 09, 2020

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